Farewell Party

On 30th of November 2016, the EMS Department celebrated a send-off party for Mr. Abdulrahman Al Ghamdi & Mr. Meshary Bin Hotan as they continue with their journey to the PhD program in United Kingdom. The faculties and administrative staffs would like to convey their sincerest appreciation for the best efforts and support they have given to the students and the department.
Students from Batch 8 celebrated a Get-Together with Mr. Abdulrhman and Mr. Meshary as a gesture of being a friend to them and most of all an efficient and competent faculties. It is with pride and honor that these faculties have imparted and shared with the students their knowledge and skills.
To Mr. Abdulrhman and Mr. Meshary we wish you both the best of luck.
by: Eman Al jehani