College of Applied Medical Sciences Message

Let me invite you to explore this website that leads you through various programs, departments, and specialities that the College of Applied Medical Sciences offers. The main aim of the college is to fulfill the needs of the society locally and regionally with specialized graduates in the different fields of Applied Medical Sciences.
The college strives to prepare the graduates and train them in scientific research by linking it with modern technology and by facilitating exchange of experience and knowledge through continued interactions with internationally acclaimed faculty. Our courses stress intellectual involvement, critical thinking, application of scientific methods, proficiency in the latest technology methods, and development of communication skills. Our programs serve as a firm foundation for further higher levels of study.
The college maintains close collaborative relationships with healthcare facilities as well as research organizations internationally. The college is privileged to have a diverse group of educators and scholars who emphasize teaching excellence and enjoy rich experience in their fields of expertise. This provides the grounds for effective translation of gained knowledge and acquired skills into the curricula that are offered to students.
I hope you enjoy and benefit from reading the information in this website and learn about our exciting and innovative initiatives. Continue visiting our website and feel free to write or communicate directly with us.
Dr. Abdullah Alabdali
Dean, College of Applied Medical Sciences
King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences