Backpack Awareness Day

On March 31, 2016, The Occupational Therapy Department at KSAU-HS had participated in the campaign entitled: (I carry knowledge, I do not carry pain) on the International Occasion of Backpack Awareness Day to raise attentiveness in schools.
Host schools were: Dahak Ibn Sufian elementary school for boys and Jamilah Bint Al-Harith elementary school for girls. The aim of the backpack awareness day is to raise the awareness of (students, parents, and teachers) regarding the right weight of the student’s backpack and how to correctly wear the backpack. The occupational therapy students began by illustrating specifications of a proper bag; steps to wear correctly wear the backpacks, and how to arrange school supplies correctly.
In addition, they explained the consequences of carrying the school bag in an improper way and how this can lead to back pain, shoulder pain, which can be result in chronic pain. For example, one study with American student ages between 11 to 15 years, reported 46% back pain related to heavy backpack. With 21% reported the pain lasting more than 6 months (chronic pain) (Hu, Jacobs, & Pencian, 2013) Afterwards, The occupational therapy students measured the weights of children's bags; it is recommended that a loaded backpack should never weight more than 10% of the child’s total body weight.
Solutions for the exceeded bag weight were presented with methods to manage the weight of the bag. Lastly, Occupational Therapy students concluded this campaign by giving the children some general tips on how to do their homework successfully, and allocated time for fun activities with the children. In the end of the event the university’s staff member give their thanks and appreciation to the school’s administration for their support.
By Ms. Haya Al Mousa