CAMS Team Wins the KSAU-HS Football League

Home Media News CAMS Team Wins the KSAU-HS Football League

CAMS Team Wins the KSAU-HS Football League

King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences conducted a football league from 17 March, 2014 to 28 April, 2014. There were 21 teams representing the colleges of KSAU-HS. College of Applied Medical Sciences team has qualified to the final match against College of Sciences and Health Profession team.

CAMS won the final and became the new champion. Dr. Sulaiman Al Quaifli and Dr. Bader Almoqbel have honored CAMS team by giving them the gold medals and the championship cup. Congratulations to CAMS and CAMS football team.

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Home Media News CAMS Team Wins the KSAU-HS Football League