Respiratory Therapy Students Wins Best Poster Award at SCCS

The College of Applied Medical Sciences, Respiratory Therapy Department participated in the Saudi Critical Care Society ( SCCS ) which was held last April17, 2014 at Al Faisaliah Hotel.
With the participation of Matar Al Zahrani, Mohammad Al Sanad and Nowaf Al Obaidi poster about( ECMO Case ) and under the supervision of Mr. Manjush , Lecturer in RT Department. The students got best poster award with the support of the dean Dr. Abdullah Al Anazi and the Chairman of RT Dr. Farhan Al Enezin. At the end of the conference, Dr. Yasser Mandorah , the president of SCCS and Dr. Ameen Yousef , the chairman of SCCS thanked Mr. Ali Al Amri, the supervisor of Students Club and his team for the big effort and success of the conference.