Oral Presentations Winners at 2019’s Health Professions Conference

Under the auspices of the President of KSAU-HS His Excellency Dr. Bandar Al Knawy, Deanship of Student Affairs has organized 2019 Health Professions Conference.
A total of 600 abstracts were submitted to HPC, out of 280 which have been accepted to be presented as “Oral or Poster “and were evaluated by many Assistant Professors. 16 abstracts from the College of Applied Medical Sciences have been selected for Poster presentations and 4 as Oral presentations. Finally, two oral presentations from our college were chosen to be among top 10 research abstracts. The details are as below:
1) Latifah Alfunaysan 5th place winner, a student from Respiratory Therapy department presented “ASSOCIATION BETWEEN VENTILATOR ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA AND REPOSITIONING OF ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE AT LIP LEVEL IN ADULT AND PEDIATRIC PATIENTS AT KING ABDULAZIZ MEDICAL CITY”, The project was supervised by Dr.Taha Ismaeil and Dr. Fatmah Othman.
2)Abdullah Al-Rajeh 6th place winner is an Intern from Emergency Medical Services department and he presented “CHEMICAL TOXICITY, EXPOSURE AND COMPLICATIONS”. The project was supervised by Dr. Abdullah Al Abdali and Dr. Abdulaziz Al Dawas.
The College of Applied Medical Sciences encourage all students and Interns to submit their abstract next year.