2nd EMS Scientific Day

The Emergency Medical Services Department of the COAMS, KSAU-HS has successfully held its 2nd scientific EMS day on 03 February 2015. This event was held in COAMS, Large Auditorium, which was packed to full seating capacity with 300 attendees. The attendees were from a diverse spectrum including students, lecturers, clinical instructors, residents, physicians and consultants and other EMS personnel and agencies who took time to participate in this medical event.
The highlight of the day was the OPEN DEBATE between 2 Consultants who are experts in their own field of medical sciences on “Head Injury Patient: Should I Intubate?”, the first ever such event in the history of COAMS Program. Other features included the great contributions to achieve what EMS aimed for.
It was an enormous accomplishment for those who were behind the preparation of this big and successful event in the history of Emergency Medical Services Department.