The participation of the Clinical Nutrition Program at the 3rd Annual Research Forum- COAMS-J

The Clinical Nutrition Program participated in the Third Annual Research Forum organized by the College of Applied Medical Sciences in Jeddah on January 20, 2021.
The virtual forum included a presentation of the research of the participating students, either through scientific posters or by power point presentations. During this conference, student Alghaliyah Alghofaili presented a scientific poster entitled "Effect of nutritional factors on dental caries among preschool-aged children in NGHA, Riyadh" under the supervision of Dr. Kavita Sudrasnadaz. Student Thekra Alshammari also presented a scientific poster entitled "Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding popular diets among students of King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences" which was under the supervision of Dr. Maha Al-Turki and lecturer Ihsan Abdul Rahman.