Session Title: Shock in pre-hospital setting
Session Date: 26th of December 2019

Theme’s objectives:

1- Shock

Speaker: Dr. Nawfal Aljerian

This objective discussed the general concepts associated with shock states, including physiologic response to shock, and shock progression. In addition to, identify various causes and presentations of shock.

2-  Septic Shock

Speaker: Dr. Abdullah AL Abdali

The objective Identify the most updated definition and clinical criteria for sepsis, as well as explain the septic type of distributive shock, including pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis. And selected publication in prehospital care of early administration of antibiotics was discussed.

3-  Pre-hospital management of shock and fluid resuscitation.

Speaker: Mr. Saleh Alamri

The objective focused on the importance of early, goal-directed management of shock, and the use of pharmacotherapy in the management of shock states.

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